* Donations made to HOMBRE NUEVO, TIERRA NUEVA may be deducted from the personal income tax return based on Law 49/2002 (December 23), on the tax regime for non-profit entities, in the percentages and limits that the current reform tax contemplates. To benefit from this tax reduction, MAN NUEVO, TIERRA NUEVA needs the following information: name, surname, ID, and address.

** In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/99 on the Protection of Personal Data and its implementing regulations RD 1720/2007, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into a file for which HOMBRE NUEVO, TIERRA NUEVA is responsible for the management of your donation and to inform you of other campaigns and events carried out by HOMBRE NUEVO, TIERRA NUEVA, as well as for sending courtesy communications. For us to provide you with the tax relief certificate, you must provide us with your name, surname, NIF, and postal address. In such case, said data may be transferred to the Ministry of Finance to comply with current legislation on donations. You can exercise your rights of access, cancellation, and rectification by sending an email to or indicating it in writing to HOMBRE NUEVO, TIERRA NUEVA at the following address: Calle Galdos 1, 3ºb, 28904 Getafe (Madrid)
Aggreement *
